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Will App environments continue to run after I stop using LocalOps?

Yes. When you stop using LocalOps, app environments are left as they are, for your team to manage them manually or by other means. Check how to eject to learn more.

Does LocalOps make all of my Application run in multiple cloud providers automatically?

Yes, if you have containerised your application and made a a Kubernetes Helm Chart for it. However, if you use managed cloud services such as Amazon S3, you are supposed to provide alternate implementations to run in other cloud providers such as GCP or Azure.

Can I use any DB for my application?

Yes. Unlike PaaS services such as Heroku, you are free to pick and use any database to build your application. As long as you can find a docker image for it to declare it within Helm Chart as your dependency, LocalOps can spin up an App environment with that database, in any cloud.

Can I use a Single Page Application (SPA) framework?

Yes. You are free to pick any SPA framework to build your Front end. Check Single page apps to learn more.

How much time does it take to package my Web application as Kubernetes Helm Chart?

Writing a Helm chart includes dockerising each component of your App as an image and declaring them in a set of yaml files. Fewer the number of compoents, faster will it be to finish writing a helm chart. A standard 3-tier web app shouldn't take more than a day or two to arrive at its Helm Chart.

How do I obfuscate/hide my code when it runs in customer's cloud?

There is no fool-proof technical way to hide/obfuscate your code. If your service is written in compiled languages, it helps. Otherwise we'd suggest you to address this legally in your Services agreement with customer.

How do I calculate the hosting charges for the resources provisioned in target cloud account?

LocalOps tags all cloud infrastructure resources by two standard names. *-id and *-name. You can locate them in App Environment settings page. Using these tags, anyone can filter down AWS resources in AWS console and find out their cost.

LocalOps will soon show a monthly cost estimator under each app environment's details page.

Who pays for the cloud infrastructure resources created by LocalOps?

LocalOps creates App environments on the connected cloud accounts. Owners of the cloud account are billed by cloud provider for the resources provisioned.