📄️ Private SaaS deployments
While SaaS is popular, there are a category of customers who cannot signup for SaaS because of limitations in privacy, security, reliability and shared performance bottlenecks in a typical SaaS environment.
📄️ Dedicated Infrastructure
Your customers may be pretty serious about data isolation, network isolation or compute isolation of their account. Either for higher privacy, reliability or performance guarantees. They typically request to have their account running within dedicated server infrastructure, even if their account is running in your cloud.
📄️ Public SaaS Environments
LocalOps is used to get your public SaaS production environment in your cloud account.
📄️ Sandbox environments
If your team wants to spin up isolated test environments to perform any internal testing usecase, like functionality testing, performance benchmarking etcc., Sandbox environments can be spinned up in your Cloud using LocalOps.