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Make Deployments


A Release is a specific version of your App / your SaaS product, as pointed by a specific version of its Helm Chart. Its you define a universal version number for your App to refer during deployments and rollbacks in LocalOps. You can point a Release to a specific helm chart version and pass any global environment variable as Helm values for it.


A deployment is a change applied to a specific App Environment.


You usually create Deployments to,

  1. Apply a release on App Environment.
  2. Update helm values of App Environment.

Additionally deployments will be automatically created by the system in the following events,

  1. When a new App Environment is created.
  2. When helm values are updated.
  3. When a specific backup version is restored.
  4. Custom domain is deployed or reset.


To follow this tutorial, you will need the following:

  • App in your LocalOps account for you which you will be creating a release.
  • Active App environment for applying the release by creating a Deployment.

Publish new helm chart version

Once you have published the new version of your helm chart to the registry, you can create release in your LocalOps account to point to your recently published helm chart version by following below steps.

Create release

  1. Login to your LocalOps account.
  2. Navigate to "Releases" section using the left-hand naviagtion pane.
  3. Click on the "Add release" button located on the top-right corner of the page.
  4. Choose the desired app for which you wish to create a release.
  5. Add a release tag used to uniquely identify this release
  6. Add a changelog to describe the changes included in this release.
  7. Finally click on "Add release" button to save your release.

You have successfully created a Release for your newly published Helm Chart version. Next we can apply the release onto an App environment by creating a Deployment.

Create deployment

  1. Click App Environments option on the left naviagtion pane.
  2. Select the App Environment from the list for which you want to apply the release.
  3. Click Deploy new version button on top right corner.
  4. Pick the Deployment Version.
  5. You can optionally update the "Helm Values".

    The final Helm values applied during deployment will extend from both the App Helm Values and Deployment Helm Values. In case of conflicting values between the two, the Deployment Helm Values will take precedence over the App Helm Values.

  6. Click "Deploy Now" button to start deploying the changes.

Creating a Deployment will create an Op (Operation) where you can see the realtime logs and progress of the deployment.

Once the deployment is completed, App environment version will be upgraded to the new release version.