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Eject out of LocalOps

LocalOps simplifies the deployment of applications onto your customer's Cloud accounts. If you decide to move away from using LocalOps, here are the steps and considerations to manage your infrastructure and application updates independently.


  • Infrastructure Continuity: Infra resources created by LocalOps will continue to run even after ejecting from the platform.
  • Managing Updates: To apply updates or release new versions of your application, developers will have to directly connect to the AWS EKS cluster and use Helm commands (helm upgrade) to manage deployments.
  • Using IaC for Infrastructure: If you choose to continue managing the infrastructure using Infrastructure as Code (IaC) independently, you can import the existing resources created by LocalOps into your IaC tool's state. This allows you to maintain and update infrastructure resources using the respective IaC tool.

Steps to Eject from LocalOps

1. Managing Application Updates

After ejecting from LocalOps, developers should:

  • Access the AWS EKS cluster where the application is deployed.
  • Use Helm commands (helm upgrade) to apply updates or release new versions of the application directly to the cluster.

2. Managing Infrastructure with IaC

If you choose to manage infrastructure resources using an IaC tool:

  • Identify the resources created by the LocalOps App Environment by using the tags provided in the App Environment details page. Refer this article.
  • Import these existing resources into your IaC tool's state to gain control over managing and updating them.
  • Modify and maintain the infrastructure as needed using your preferred IaC practices and workflows.

Transitioning away from LocalOps involves ensuring continuity of infrastructure operations and adopting new practices for managing application updates and infrastructure resources. By following these steps, developers can manage their applications and infrastructure independently after ejecting from LocalOps.