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Customise environments

Each app environment is provisioned with a set of network, compute and storage resources to support your application.

App environments are customisable via environment templates, to support different kinds of applications that would use LocalOps to get deployed.

Our default environment template works for most applications. In case you want to customise more, please see below.

Environment templates can be created with custom:

  • type of compute servers (as supported by cloud servers)
    • compute/memory/gpu intensive
  • count of servers
  • application storage volume type
  • application storage volume IOPS capacity
  • application storage throughput
  • application storage IOPS/GB

Type of compute servers

Any type of compute server can be picked to match your application needs.

For AWS, all types of EC2 instances can be picked to run in your App environment. See AWS Supported EC2 types.

Count of compute servers

Based on the size of your application, you can pick any count of compute servers to run in your App environment. These many servers will be provisioned every time an app environment is provisioned and attached to the underlying kubernetes cluster.

For AWS, we provision EC2 instances.

Application storage

Volume type

Based on the nature of I/O you do within your application, you can pick a volume type that gives best performance/price ratio. This is the type of volume that will get provisioned for your application to read/write its data. Size of the volume must be provided in your application Helm chart.

For AWS, you can pick any volume type supported. Refer AWS supported volume types.

Volume IOPS

Based on the nature of I/O you do within your application, you can configure IOPS (I/O operations per second) bandwidth. LocalOps configures volumes for this bandwidth while spinning up your application.


Higher IOPS values will result in higher cloud charges. Please refer to cloud provider (AWS) documentation before configuration

Volume storage throughput

Based on the nature of I/O you do within your application, you can configure storage throughput in GB/s. LocalOps configures EBS volumes for this bandwidth while spinning up your application.

Volume storage IOPS/GB

Based on the nature of I/O you do within your application, you can configure IOPS/GB. LocalOps configures EBS volumes for this bandwidth while spinning up your application.