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What is Inside?

Each Application enivronment comprises of

  • Dedicated Virtual private cloud (VPC)
  • Private subnets
  • Public subnets
  • NAT gateway
  • Internet gateway
  • Kubernetes cluster (E.g., EKS in AWS)
  • Compute servers and their default volumes (E.g., EC2 in AWS)
  • Kubernetes companion deployments
    • Crossplane
    • Prometheus
    • Loki
    • Grafana
    • Velero
  • 👉 Your App
  • Unique Domain for your app
  • Auto-renewing SSL certificate for the unique domain

Let us go over each of them in detail.

Dedicated Virtual private cloud (VPC)

In any connected cloud account, a dedicated network is provisioned to host everything for a given app environment.

In AWS, LocalOps provisions a VPC (Virtual private cloud).

Private subnets

Within the dedicated network / VPC, LocalOps creates private subnets to host data in servers having no public IP.

Public subnets

Similar to public subnets, LocalOps creates public subnets to host servers having public IP. For example, Internet gateway.

NAT gateway

In AWS, NAT Gateway and a persistent IP (elastic IP) is provisioned inside public subnet in each app environemnt for private subnet servers to connect to the internet. To the internet, all requests originating from private subnet servers will pass via NAT gateway and have NAT gateway's persistent IP address.

Internet gateway

In AWS, Internet Gateway and a persistent IP (elastic IP) is provisioned inside public subnet in each app environemnt for all servers in the VPC to connect to the internet.

Kubernetes cluster

A kubernetes cluster and control plane is provisioned inside each VPC for every app environment. This cluster runs the application deployed on the app environment.

In AWS, AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is provisioned to ensure AWS managas the configure and uptime of Kubernetes control plane.

Compute servers

To run your application's containers, compute servers are provisioned and attached to the kubernetes clusters as Nodes.

In AWS, EC2 servers are provisioned. Count and type of EC2 servers depends on the environment template chosen to create the App environment. Any type of EC2 servers supported by AWS can be provisioned. Also, EBS Volumes are attached by default to each of these EC2 servers. But, the applications deployed on Kubernetes cluster (your app) will dynamically create volumes matching your storage specifications declared in Helm chart.

Kubernetes companion deployments


Open source is installed in an app environment if your app needs cloud managed services like Amazon S3 buckets, Dynamo DB table, RDS, Elastic cache redis, etc., As app author, all you need to do is to declare them in your Helm chart and they will be spinned up in the target cloud for the given app environment automatically.


Open source Prometheus is installed and pre-configured by LocalOps in an App Environment to record system metrics of the compute nodes.


Open source Loki is installed and pre-configured by LocalOps in an app environment to record logs of your application.


Open source Grafana is installed and pre-configured by LocalOps in an app environment to store logs and metrics from your app environment and let you visualise them in a single dashboard.


Open source Velero is installed and pre-configured by LocalOps in an app environment to take backups from your app environment or to restore past backups on your app environment.

Your app

Your application happily runs on top, leveraging all the infrastructure and tools installed in the app environment.

Unique domain

Your application is given a Kubernetes ingress and a unique domain by LocalOps for your users to access them anywhere from the internet.

SSL certificate

Auto-renewing SSL certificate is provisioned. In AWS, we provision the certificate in ACM in the cloud account where the app environment is running.


If you have more questions, please reach out to us at [email protected]. Or schedule a deep dive session with us anytime over zoom.